Please read through ALL OF THE TABS below to make sure you have an understanding of tryouts and the requirements of all three team levels.
Tryout dates:

Tryouts for all titles will be Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st. Tryouts will take place each day from 7 pm - 10 pm ET. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to check-in. If you are unable to attend either date please see the alternate tryout section below.

Tryout location:

Tryouts will be held online on the Pace Esports Discord server: Players will play remotely on their own devices.


1. A ranked Rainbow Six Siege Account.
2. Access to a computer on or off of campus that can run Rainbow Six Siege.
3. Must have filled out a tryout application prior to tryouts. 
4. Must be a current or incoming Pace student. 
5. Must be available on Wednesday nights, approximately 8pm. See the Varsity/Academy/Club tabs above for more information about practice schedules and match times.

How will tryouts be run?

• Players will join the Rainbow Six Siege “Check-in” voice channel in the “Tryouts” category on the Pace University Esports Discord at 6:30 pm ET.
• There will be Game Officers and Tryout staff in the channel to check you in and take attendance. Last-minute entries who did not fill out a form may not be able to be put into a game on day 1 unless there are absences.

• Prior to the Tryout date, our game officers will be creating tryout teams based on rank and roles entered on applications.
• Players will be rotated each game, placing them with mostly new teammates.
• There will be 6 games total over a 3 hour period on the first and second day of tryouts.

• The Tryouts will consist of 5v5 custom lobbies.
• All players will add the first player on the list in their respective game and join a custom lobby.
• Two Game Officer/Tryout Staff Members will sit in the spectator mode to evaluate your play.
• Once everyone is on the right team, players will all move to the respective Discord voice channel with their team name on it (IE: Team 1, Team 2).


• The Game Officers and Tryout Staff will be in Discord calls with the teams they’ve been assigned to for evaluation.
• Everyone’s Scores will be recorded at the end of each game.
• To best evaluate your abilities, we will ask you to play in conditions like those experienced during practice and competition. We recognize that practices and competitions may be stressful but that these are critical components to competitive esports. Therefore, we emphasize that players focus on presenting their teamwork, technical skill, and game knowledge to the best of their abilities.

Evaluation areas:
Communication & Teamwork
- Technical Skill & Mechanics
- Game Knowledge & Understanding
- Performance under pressure
- Leadership & Attitude  
- Game Rank

Alternate tryouts:

If you are unable to make tryouts, players may submit a video prior to the tryout dates which includes the following:
• A display of the player’s decision-making skill.
• A display of communication with teammates.
• A display of callouts.
• Must be at least 20 minutes.
If this doesn’t style doesn’t work for you please reach out to the Fortnite Game Officers to work out another way for you to tryout.

How do I register to tryout?

Navigate to the "Register" tab above and fill out the online application. The application can also be found in the Pace Esports Discord server in the #Tryouts channel.


• Teams: 1
• Roster: 5
• Practice: Twice a week
• Matches: Wednesday evenings
• League: National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC)


Pace's varsity esports teams - known as our Gold teams - are the top competitive teams at the University. Our varsity teams are for those players who are interested in striving for competitive excellence in their game title and are willing to commit a significant amount of time to practice and play.


• Outfitted with esports jersey.
• Coaching and analysis from nationally recognized coach. 
• Opportunity to compete in national collegiate seasons and tournaments with match play broadcast live (when available).
• Priority use of the Esports Center for practice times, sole use of the Esports Center for match play.
• Official University recognition as a Pace Varsity Esports athlete, listed on the Pace athletics website.
• The opportunity for Esports to include you and your play in broadcasts, photoshoots, highlight packages, media guides, websites, and other official publications.
• Opportunity for travel to regional and national tournaments.


• Able to attend practice 3 days a week in addition to competitive matches during the Fall and Spring semesters.
• Must be a full-time degree-seeking student.
• Must maintain a GPA in compliance with Pace's student-athlete standards (2.5 or better).


• Teams: 1
• Roster: 5
• Practice: Once a week
• Matches: Wednesday evenings
• League: National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC)


Pace's Academy esports teams - known as our White teams - are the primary development teams at the University. Our academy teams are for those players who are interested in competing at a high level and want to continue to develop their skills. Academy teams will scrimmage Varsity teams and Academy players may get called up to Varsity for matches. 


• Outfitted with esports jersey.
• Ability to use Esports Center and equipment for practice when varsity teams are not in session.
• Opportunity to scrimmage Varsity teams.
• Opportunity to get called up to Varsity team for practice, matches, and tournaments. 
• Opportunity to compete in national collegiate seasons and tournaments.
• Opportunity for Esports to include you and your play in broadcasts, photoshoots, highlight packages, media guides, websites, and other official publications.


• Able to attend practice 2 days a week in addition to competitive matches during the Fall and Spring semesters. 
• Willingness to cooperate and work with peer student-leaders.
• Must be a full-time degree-seeking student.
• Must maintain a GPA in compliance with Pace's student-athlete standards (2.5 or better).


• Teams: Multiple (No cuts)
• Roster: 5
• Practice: As needed
• Matches: Wednesday evenings
• League: National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC)


Pace's Club esports teams - known as our Blue teams - are for players of all skill levels. If you want to play, you get to play! Our club teams are for players who enjoy competing but may be looking for a more casual competitive experience, less time commitment, or are still leveling up their skills. Club teams are run primarily by students with oversight from the Director of Esports.


• Outfitted with esports jersey.
• Ability to use Esports Center and equipment for practice when varsity teams are not in session.
• Focused on player growth and development in a more relaxed competitive environment.
• Opportunity to compete in national collegiate seasons and tournaments.
• Opportunity for Esports to include you and your play in broadcasts, photoshoots, highlight packages, media guides, websites, and other official publications.


• Able to attend practice 1 day a week in addition to competitive matches during the Fall and Spring semesters. 
• Willingness to cooperate and work with peer student-leaders.
• Must be a full-time degree-seeking student.
• Must maintain a GPA in compliance with Pace's student-athlete standards (2.5 or better).